Interactive Sales Agent
Simplifying the Search for a New Home
Dynamic options menu
Remember lot restrictions
Know the grade of each lot
Know which side the garage is on
Dynamically updates all lots where a personalized model can be built as options are selected
Display photos or lists of available lots
Clicked lots link to subdivsion/project page
Restrict IFP options to those that will fit on each lot
Show photos of lots
List models that can be built upon each lot
Link available models to the product page
List Lot Features
Custom GUI interface for easy updates by marleting and sales staff
We combine our Interactive Site Plans and Interactive Floor Plans to form a powerful program to enable purchasers and their agents to search for and personalize new homes in a self directed format, much like you will find on a resale website, but designed especially for residential builders.
Search by lot: A box appears displaying information about the lot along with thumbnails or a list of models you would build on that lot. A user would select a model and be directed to the model's product page where a link to the interactive floor plan would reside. The lot restrictions are remembered by the interactive floor plan and won't let users select structural options that violate those restrictions. For example, if a lot is sited for a home with the garage to the right, the user could not flip that home.
Search by model: A list of available lots where you will build that model is shown on the page with the interactive floor plan. As the user selects options, reverses the plan, or chooses a basement condition for example, the list updates on the fly. You can choose as many subdivisions to display as you wish. Clicking on a lot links the user to the subdivision where the lot is highlighted, creating a loop back to the features of the interactive site plan while remembering their personalized plan. They can then proceed to learn about the community features and if desired, continue to personalize their home.
Output is printable in a brochure format and can be shared on social media
Plan Gator also creates a custom GUI for your staff to easily enter updates, like SOLD!
Contact us for more information.